Our Minds

Our Minds is a charity project and like Vortex wants to give back to the world.

Our Minds are running a competition where people stand a chance to win an all expenses paid trip for two special humans to Boom festival 2016, in Portugal.

To enter all you have to do is submit a story/experience/memory of yourself/friends at an outdoor music festival, that you cherish and wish to share with the world. Drug induced or not, anything goes! Don’t be shy as all stories are treated as confidential.

Think about your past festival experiences and write us an awesome story, which you can submit via the website.
We will be using a selection of the submitted stories to create a beautiful hard cover book filled with amazing festival pictures and artwork as well as all of YOUR festival stories. Definitely something special and unique.

This book will be for sale on our website. Our primary aim is to take a percentage of profits made, and put those funds back into community projects and reforestation projects in the countries where the book is bought and or sold. So for every book sold a percentage of profits will go towards doing some well needed good. It’s a win win for everyone involved and can really make a huge difference if we all get together.

The competition is being run worldwide and anyone can enter. The only rule is that your story must have taken place at an outdoor festival. We do not wish to include clubs and indoor parties because the vibe and feelings experienced are different.

Prize includes 2 x return flights. 2 x entrance tickets to boom festival 2016. Transport to and
from the festival. And a lucky packet filled with some awesome festival necessities.

Go to the Our Minds Website and register.